Monday, March 19, 2007

The Binding Vine...

The Binding Vine…

My blush is envied my people around me,
Your love flashing through my eyes is seen by people around me,
Your thought brings a smile onto my face,
And they think I am mad!
Is it the same madness which Meera felt for Kanha?
Is it the same blush that Radha had on her face when she met Krishna?
Does that mean that I, too, am like them?
Is this the reason why Love is called “Divine”?
Is this the reason why Love is called the “Binding Vine”?



Unknown said...

absolutely brilliant
you made me remember of mira's poem in the novel
it is really the best

Unknown said...

excelanttttt classic its the real pure love you mention
you can achieved Diwinity through This kind Of Pure Love only

अरविंद said...


Love neither demands nor expects,
Can’t it exist without freedom
Love is divine,
Love is fragrance.

---खूप सुन्दर कविता